Remote Office Survival Kit
Whether you need a quality home setup for yourself or your employees you are going to need the proper tools and support infrastructure to allow you to continue working at your best.
Get Working With Us
Uptown Business Machines and Fantastic IT have teamed up to provide unparalleled remote service for western Canada.
Computer Tune-Up and Protection
Make sure computers and networks are secure and working at their peak performance – so you can too!
Local Helpdesk Support
Supporting and helping you every steps of the way with an professional, experienced and local Western Canada help desk.
Virtual Tools Setup & Training
Introduction and tutorial to the tools you need to move your real world business to an online virtual one.
Website, Email and Hosting
Moving online quickly? You may need a simple website and matching email address. We can help.
Printers, Inks and Supplies
Supplies to make your home office just as productive as the real one. Printers, scanners, toners, headsets, webcams, and computers.
Computers and Accessories
Supplies to make your home office just as productive as the real one. Computers, laptop, webcams, headsets.
Support and Help You Need
We have the resources and infrastructure in place to support all of you IT Services and equipment needs. Whether you are migrating your entire workforce or simply a few key personnel to remote operations our Fantastic Remote Survival kit will allow your offices to continue.
Build an Online Relationship with Your Customers
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Managing Your Remote Business Doesn’t Have to Be Hard.
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"Cras malesuada fermentum sollicitudin. Ut at nunc ut lectus interdum consectetur et quis erat. Etiam vel lacus ex."
Let’s Get Started!
Phone Number
(778) 291-2849